Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Who will allow Obama to take us into another war?

The Senate is NOT slam dunk, Obama & Kerry do NOT go forward with war, until we the people allow it to be slam dunk, allow another war.

 I’m so sick of we the people sheepishly emulating our government and pointing the finger at someone else, outside ourselves.

Where the fuck are we the people?

·         We need to be at our senators' and congresspeoples’ homes this weekend, and at their offices first thing Tuesday morning

·         We need to be setting up phone booths on the streets and having people who will not take the time to go to their offices, make calls to those senators & sign petitions.

·         We need to be going to college & high school campuses, parks, coffee houses, door-to-door to EDUCATE, AGITATE, ORGANIZE

·         We need to be flyering wherever we go, setting up ironing boards, being visible in the streets

·         We need to have one simple message: We will NOT tolerate another invasion of any other country!~!

·         And we need to be pounding our message into every available media at our disposal!

If people living under a monarchy can influence their government to NOT attack Syria, then how much easier should it be for those of us that live in a democracy to influence our government?

But no, we love to sit back while the majority of our energy, focus, and work goes into maintaining our everyday "life as usual" as we point our fingers to others instead of snatching our responsibility like a loud speaker and drumming our voices into our representatives’ ears – including Obama – as well as the press.


It is up to us, and us only. We can do it!

Transphobic and proud!

Or should I call this “Fuck transdominant”

If transphobic means I dare call myself a Lesbian, a Dyke, a Bulldagger and proud, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I dare to express my opinion about the tragic cutting off your beautiful breasts while I fight for your right to do whatever the hell you want to do with your body, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I refuse to be subjugated, clumped into the category of “queer” because my Lesbian identity makes trans folks & their allies feel ‘oppressed’, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I strive for the difficult dialogue and I refuse to be silenced by the threat of being labeled “transphobic”, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I refuse to have my words shoved back down my throat because I am excluding someone who demands I include them, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I call out internalized misogyny, woman-hating, lesbian-bashing, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I will not deny or diminish our ability to choose to create and sustain life – or not – as the cornerstone of womyn, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I identify and deflect bullying, male dominance, superiority behaviors, internalize misogyny, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I decide who I gather with, who I make love with, who I invite to organize with, to struggle with, to dance and fight with, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I refuse to ignore the power and wonder of my body, to eliminate my cunt, to cut my bleeding from my identity, to know of what this means to be a womon, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I honor the power to create life, should I choose, the power to give life, should I want to, the power to sustain life and protect life, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I refuse to ignore or deny the external and internal impact of the conditioning along with the privileges/oppression or lack of, since swaddled in pink or blue, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I refuse to pretend alls it takes to be a womon is cutting off one’s dick and painting your fingernails, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I joyfully embrace the power, the sacredness of my cunt, my womb, bleeding from my identity, my breasts, my wide hips, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I refuse to silently swallow the fact hatred of a womon’s body is such a carefully force-fed given in our society, so much that 77% of 17 year old young womyn HATE their bodies, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I challenge the hypocrisy of the gender dominant claim that gender is not biological and then gender challenging people rush to biologically change their bodies, then call me transphobic and proud.

If transphobic means I choose not spend my energy making transpeople feel accepted, comfortable, okay with their own decisions, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I stand with the 1 in 4 or 5 womyn who are desperately fighting to save their sacred breasts and call on all womyn to stand in solidarity protecting our breasts, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I claim the right to gather with womyn-born-womyn who love womyn (especially their own womon-born-womon selves), then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I block your society- & god-given male access to womyn, with or without your dick, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I challenge your stuck-in-pubescence desire to have the freedom, superiority, importance boys have as you translate that into becoming boys instead of fighting for freedom for womyn and girls, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I dare you to change the definitions, the boxes, the limits society puts on gender rather then accepting those definitions and changing your body accordingly to sync with society’s limits, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I clearly see the misogyny and call out your cowardice in refusing to fight to smash the societal boxes that imprison womyn but instead seek the power and privilege bestowed on male bodies in that other box, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I urge you to really embrace, identify, love everything it means to be a womon born womon while you honestly face and rip out the inferiority, the self-hatred, the threads of oppression carefully taught and woven into us since before birth, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I want to know how you’ve conquered your internalizing of society’s massive hatred and fear of womyn-loving-womyn (and men-loving-men) as you refuse to be a womon-loving-womon in the world but instead strive to be a man-loving-woman in the world, then call me transphobic.

If transphobic means I know unwanted male attention from the annoying to the dangerous, yet vehemently deny the answer is to cut off your precious breasts but to liberate yourself as you love and cherish your precious breasts, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I stand against reducing womyn to baby makers and sexual objects while coming out the other end and fiercely loving our ability to create life and bring pleasure with our bodies, then call me transphobic and proud!

If transphobic means I refuse to make room in my special community to include trans folks, then call me transphobic and proud!

Get off my back, you transdominant, transgender, transdomineering folks and take responsibility for your own choices and leave me to mine.